Monday, September 7, 2020

Right to your opinion essay


         An influencer named Sonia Sae had a strong opinion about veganism is good for everyone including animals. To prove her point she made her pet Fennec fox named Jumanji go on a plant-based diet. The thing about Fennec Fox is 90% of their diet makes up of meat from bugs, small rodents, and lizards. the other 10% are foods that help stay hydrated like fruits and roots from plants. Sonia’s took picture to show everyone on the internet how well Jumanji’s new diet is treating him. Many were angry with how bad the diet is affecting the fox because they saw symptoms of malnourishment like hair loss vision failure and wight loss. Not matter how much proof their showing to Sonia, she still did not want to admit she’s wrong, instead Sonia made up excuses that Jumanji has been already check by vets and is not suffering malnourishment. Now the point I’m getting from this is, can you be entitled to an opinion even though its wrong? Form my respective I think no.



We all have been in a argument with friend or a family member before. Usually we sometimes lose and accept your opinion being wrong. Sure, it can be embarrassing, admitting yourself wrong on an opinion you confidently believe is right. It’s okay to be wrong cause in life you don’t ways have the right answers. Acknowledging your mistake can help be more open mind with other opinions people share. To me this stuff happens to me all the time epically at school. Whenever blabber out an opinion I think is correct, my classmate would correct me by saying, “are you sure its correct”? Causing me look though my answers to see if I am correct. I’m glad I listened their opinions without it, I could fail on my quiz or test.



 There are people in world who are stubborn to see the truth. No matter how many evidences you have that are back-up by professions, their stubbornness will always block the truth. What causes them to not see the truth? Well it might their entitlement, in their mind they think they have all answers. Thus, giving them a reason not to hear other opinions. This can negatively affect themselves by becoming more exclusive to one thing, which is proving they are right in an opinion that does not make sense. Sure being entitled to your opinion is part of your right but that is not okay is spreading it toward others.


Some think being entitled to an opinion won’t hurt or cause trouble towards others. The truth is it does affect other. An example for is the president of the United states Donald Trump. The presidents is a very complex guy, Making use scratch our head from opinions has like disinfecting can treat Covid-19, building a wall and saying he’s in great shape. One opinion I think is the most confusing is Trumps interview Axio. In a short video Axio asked trump about the high increase on covid-19 death case. To Trumps response, he showed axios a chart saying the United states has lowest cases of Covid- 19 deaths. I can already see the expression Axios is showing that it’s not the right responds he was looking for. In the begging Axios explains Trump that what he’s saying about the U.S Covid situation already been taken care of is misleading others to think they are no longer in danger in getting infected

Being able to learn or not learn your mistakes is all up on you. Accepting your mistakes may help you move forward in life while not accepting may pull you back. What you must not do is make others accepted your opinion being aright. 

1 comment:

  1. I really like the way you organized your thoughts here. Easy to follow, and very insightful. Thank you for sharing this, I look forward to reading more!


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In step one I've scroll though my contacts looking for 10 people that will help me with my project, most of these contacts are family me...